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Red Light Green Light Orange Light


Have all your players line up together each player has a ball.When the coach shouts “GREEN LIGHT” players can dribble
their ball forwards. As soon as the coach shouts “RED LIGHT” the players must get immediate control of their ball
with a toe touch stop. When the coach shouts “ORANGE LIGHT” the players must turn around and dribble back in the
direction they came from. If the player does not get control of their ball the coach sends them back to the start
line. The winner is the first player to get across the pitch to the finish line.

Variations & Progressions

Make your playing grid biger or smaller or change the shape to give a different challenge to the players

Have half you players start on one side of the playing grid and the other half on the opposite side . They must keep the ball and can only dribble from one side of the grid to the other. You will have two sets of players going in different directions to add additional obstacles and confusion to the activity

Get players to make small touches on the ball so they have the ball close to them.Use the outside of the foot or
pinky toe to push the ball forwards try not to kick the ball but push it. For more advanced players you can give a
specific instruction on how they make the turn when the coach shouts ORANGE LIGHT. Use a Cruyff turn, step on turn

Split your players onto four groups and have them start at different corners of your playing grid. You will have all players dribbling at the same time from four different directions to add additional obstacles and confusion to the activity the players will have to look around and keep closer control as they approach the middle and there is less space.

Coaching Points

Try and keep your ball nice and close so you can stop your ball on a Red Light and change direction on an Orange light. Take small touches on the ball to keep it from getting far way from you.