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Session 13

If you have a small number of players, such as 2-4, start with very small-sided games like 1v1 or 2v2 and add players to each of the teams as they arrive at your session. If you have more players, divide them into multiple small teams ensuring as much balance as possible in terms of skills and physical attributes. Once the majority of players have arrived make trades and switch players if you need to in order to make the teams more balanced or to get like with like.

This segment aims to enhance physical literacy by focusing on speed, agility, and strength, setting a high-energy tone for the session. The activities are designed to improve players’ movement skills, cardiovascular fitness, and readiness for more complex soccer drills. This segment also serves as a dynamic warm-up, reducing the risk of injuries and ensuring players are mentally and physically prepared for the session. Coaches are encouraged to be creative within these guidelines, tailoring activities to suit the age and skill level of their players. The key is to keep every player moving and engaged throughout the entire segment.

Speed Drills: Short, intense sprints or shuttle runs to boost acceleration and speed.

Agility Work: Obstacle courses or cone drills requiring quick changes of direction, enhancing footwork and coordination.

Strength Exercises: Basic bodyweight movements like jump squats, planks, or burpees to build core and muscular strength.

Ball Skills (for advanced players): Fast-paced dribbling courses or quick passing games, integrating technical skills with physical conditioning.

Field Setup: Create a rectangular playing field appropriate for the age and skill level of the players. Divide the field into three zones with two end zones acting as target areas. Designate each end zone as the scoring area for one of the teams, with ‘target players’ from each team positioned within these zones.

Teams: Two teams, green and blue, each with an equal number of players. A few players from each team start within their respective end zones, and these players serve the role of targets or ‘goals’ that their teammates will aim to pass to in order to score points.

Activity: The main objective is for each team to penetrate the opposing defense and complete a pass to their teammates in the end zone. When a team scores by completing a pass to an end zone player, they earn a point. Then, possession changes, and the opposing team starts from the edge of the end zone, aiming to score in the opposite direction. The game is directional, with the blue team aiming for one end zone and the green team for the other. This setup encourages forward thinking and strategic penetration with the ball.

Click Here For Full Activity Guide >

Field Setup: Create a large grid and divide it into smaller, equal-sized halves or quadrants, each serving as a separate playing area for a group of four players. If there are more players, create additional grids accordingly. The size of each grid should be such that it allows for quick passing but also provides a challenge for players to keep possession under pressure.

Teams: Divide players into groups of four, with three players on one team working together to maintain possession and one player acting as the defender. Each group of four is assigned to their own half of the grid.

Activity: The trio’s objective is to keep the ball away from the single defender in their grid. They must use quick passing, movement, and spatial awareness to retain possession. The game is played for two minutes before rotating the defender. Points are awarded to the defender for every interception or blocked pass, and the team of three earns a point for every sequence of three successful passes.

Click Here For Full Activity Guide >

Finish your session with Winner Stay On games.

“Winner Stays On” is a dynamic format for organizing soccer games involving three teams. In this setup, two of the teams compete in a match where the victory condition is set at scoring either one or two goals, depending on the preferred pace of the game. A single goal makes for a faster, more intense match, while a two-goal requirement allows for a slightly longer and strategic play. Additionally, to ensure that the matches don’t extend indefinitely, a time limit is imposed. If the game ends in a tie within this period, both teams are rotated out, allowing the third team to play. The winning team of each match stays on the field to face the next team, fostering a competitive yet fun environment. This cycle continues, offering each team multiple opportunities to play and compete.