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Dribbling Relay Races 1


Players are in teams of 3 at the most. One player at a time, they run/dribble there and back, then the next player goes until they all have gone.  Players can take a knee when they are done or do something so they do not go a second time by accident. When it says ‘run’ that means no ball, ‘dribble’ means with a ball.  For # 7 and on you need a player at the turn around spot or a bench to bounce the ball off of.


  1. Dribble past the line, turn and dribble back and stop on the ball to leave it for your next teammate. 
  2. Face one way, do sideways rolls all the way there with one foot and back with the other.
  3. Dribble there and halfway back and pass it to the next player. 
  4. Dribble past the line and pass it all the way back. 
  5. Dribble there and do drag backs, drop it off for the next player. 
  6. Run there, receive a pass from the next person in line and dribble it back. 
  7. Dribble to the line, pass and receive, turn and dribble the ball all the way to the next player. 
  8. Dribble to the line, pass and receive, dribble halfway and pass to the next player.
  9. Dribble to the line, pass and receive, turn and pass to the next player with 3 touches or less.
  10. Dribble to the line, pass and turn without touching the ball and pass it all the way to the next player.