Change Of Direction 2
Set up a grid or playing area tell your players they must stay inside the area you can’t let your ball go outside of the area. Players should dribble around inside the area and perform a specific change of direction when the coaches instructs them or whenever they have to avoid another player. When introducing the skills it should be done using Blocked practice first, followed by Serial practice and then Random practice. More info on these three phases is contained below.
Blocked practice in learning involves repeatedly practicing the same single skill in a consistent, unchanging environment. This method allows for focused repetition and muscle memory development, making it effective for initially learning and refining specific techniques.
Serial practice refers to practicing several different skills in a fixed order. Unlike blocked practice, where one skill is repeatedly drilled, serial practice involves a sequence of different skills, but this sequence remains consistent throughout the practice session.
Random practice involves practicing a variety of skills in a random order, rather than in a fixed sequence as in serial practice or repeatedly focusing on one skill as in blocked practice. This approach requires the player to adapt to different types of skills in an unpredictable sequence, closely mimicking the varied and spontaneous nature of real-game scenarios.

Changes Of Direction
- V Drag – Dribble To Left Drag Back Go Right
- Cryuff Turn
- Fake To The Left – Outside Foot Go Right
- Croqueta
- Roulette – Maradonna
Variations & Progressions
Create corner zones in your grid where players must perform one for the changes of direction to stay inside of the grid and head for a new corner. See if players can use a variety of chnages of direction when they get to the corner zones.
Coaching Points
Have your players focus on great technique and using the correct part of the foot and being able to stop the ball in the activities first before worrying about speed
While dribbling, it’s crucial to maintain your vision with your head up and eyes forward, which allows you to fully observe the field, including teammates, opponents, and open spaces. Constantly scanning the area enhances your spatial awareness, enabling you to anticipate other players’ movements and react swiftly. This approach not only prevents collisions but also aids in making quick, effective decisions like evading opponents or changing direction, vital for successful play in real-game situations.